SAN Diego I-Day
May 16, 2018
Town and Country Resort and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108
includes attending and exhibiting companies
THANK YOU to our Sponsors!
Description of the event below
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of San Diego Association will be holding their annual I-Day on Wednesday May 16, 2018. Visit our exhibit hall with over 100 booths! Join us at our awards luncheon and don’t forget to sign up for the free CE classes.
Attendee Information: #IDAYSD2018 - Exhibit hall is free to attend and will be opened from 9:30-12:00 and then 1:30-4:00. *New this year – all guests must have a badge to enter the exhibit hall. All registrants, even those for just the exhibit hall, will be given a badge. If you register for multiple people, you will receive instructions to order more badges at a later date.
Exhibit Hall – Free
Lunch Ticket - $70 per person (early pricing ($60) ended April 27)
Lunch Table of 10 - $700 (early pricing ($600) ended April 27)
CE Class – Free
Luncheon Speaker:

Retired San Diego Chief of Police Shelley Zimmerman
Shelley Zimmerman Bio.pdf
CE Classes: We are offering two different morning CE classes, both pending approval from the Department of Insurance. As an attendee, you can sign up for one or both if you would like. To sign up, please submit the completed badge form, mark the CE class for attending and list Class 1, class 2, or both under the "other" column. Submit the form back to lori@iiabsandiego.com.
Badge Request Form I-Day 2018.xlsx
Class 1:
Active Shooter/ Situational Awareness / Workplace Violence
7:30-9:30 am at Town & Country Convention Center
*Class will begin on time and no late entries will be admitted. Please plan travel accordingly.
Instruction by Cathi Marx; ALCM, COSS, COSM, CHPP, President Aspen Risk Management Group
2 CE - Course# 365531
Class 2:
The Cannabis Green Rush - Risks In California
9:30-10:30 am at Town & Country Convention Center
Instruction by: Dean Rocco, Partner at Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP and Michael Aberle, Program Administrator - CannGen/Next Wave Insurance Services
1 CE (CA) or 1 MCLE (CA) - Course# 367431
Theme: Law & Order - Our World at Risk
Sponsor Information: Receive priority booth assignment by becoming a sponsor. All sponsorships are listed in program, on main signage for event, and signage near area of support. Most sponsorships will allow for one or more to support, but if you have any concerns, please contact the IIAB San Diego office at 619-749-5168.
Grand Sponsor - $7,500 lunch table, and membership) SOLD
Gold Sponsor - $2,500 (additional signage)
Scavenger Hunt Sponsor - $2,000 (TV rental, help create the game & company name on game)
Badge Sponsor - $2,000 SOLD
Technology Sponsor - $1,500 (TV rental for Twitter feed, and company mentioned on Twitter) SOLD
Silver Sponsor - $1,000
Incentive Drawing - $600 (Includes company name on game cards) SOLD
Program Ad - $500 (Ad is black and white, 5.0" W x 4.0"H” approx. in size)
Presidents Reception - $500
Lunch Chair Promo - $500 (Bring your own company giveaway to be left at every seat)
Bar/Beverage Sponsor - $400
Coffee Sponsor - $400
Danishes Sponsor - $400
Morning CE Class Sponsor - $400
Orange Juice Sponsor - $400
Registration Sponsor - $400
Exhibitor Information: Each booth (10’x10’) will include: 1-lunch ticket, 1-Table (6’) draped Black, 2-Chairs, 1- Wastebasket, and 1-sign to identify booth. Please note that your booth does not come with an electrical outlet or power strip. If you need any additional items such as (electrical, additional tables and chairs, AV rentals, etc.), please note that you will receive more information regarding these fees and services in your confirmation email.
Booth assignments will be issued between 30-60 days prior to the event. Priority booths are issued to sponsors first and then all other participants on a first come first served basis. This event does sell out, so make sure you register today!
Member Booth - $500 (Must be a member of IIAB San Diego)
Non-Member Booth - $750 (Will receive complementary membership for remainder of the calendar year)
Additional Exhibitor Information: Here are forms and other additional information that may be helpful.
For booth amenities, electrical, or shipping use this form
2018 Full Exhibitor Kit with Electrical order form.pdf
To order AV equipment - use this form
2018 AVMS Exhibit AV Order Form.xlsx
To order badges for all exhibitors and attendees - use this form
Badge Request Form I-Day 2018.xlsx
Booth Assignments: Booth assignments will be issued 30-60 days prior to the show. The booth assignments and mapping will be emailed out to you when complete.
Booth Amenities: Carden Convention Service Company is our exhibiting company. Included with your booth registration is: (1) 10’ x 10’ curtained booth, (1) 6’ draped table, (2) chairs, (1) trash can. If you need additional items, please refer to their full exhibitor kit attached (PDF). Please note that ordering deadline is May 2nd. You can contact them at 619-247-3467 if you have further questions.
Shipping: Please see Carden Convention Service Company's full kit for ALL shipping instructions. Shipping materials must be received between April 11th - May 9th. It is important to know that only Carden can accept a same day shipping to the show site. The Town & Country will not accept shipping nor store your items for you. It is very important to read and understand what your options are for shipping!
Electrical Power: Electrical Order deadline is 4/25/18. Order now to avoid higher pricing after this deadline date. There will be no power strip or outlet in your booth without it. If your booth requires an electrical outlet of any kind, please refer to the last 7 pages of the exhibitor kit from Carden Convention Services Company. There you will find instructions and order forms from Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services. Most of you will only need the power outlet 005 AMP/500 Watts ) totaling $155.00. If you have any questions regarding electrical, please contact Patti Bareno at 619-696-6625 or email to pbareno@edlen.com . To cut down the information, please refer to the instructions page first for questions. You will need to provide them with the order form, payment form, and terms and conditions.
Exhibitor set up and tear down: Booth set up is scheduled for 7:00 am - 9:15 am on May 16, 2018. Booth tear down is 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Even though the exhibit hall will be ready the evening before, it is encouraged that set up is during your assigned times. There will be no security before 7:00 am the day of the show.
AV Needs: If you have any audio visual needs for your booth, please order them through AVMS using their exhibitor order form attached (Excel). Costs will go up 14 days prior to the show (Mat 2nd) so order now if any items are needed.
Internet/Wi-Fi: If you need Wi-Fi, please hold off ordering this from AVMS for now. I will give you more information soon.
Sleeping Room Rates: A room rate of $129.00++ per night for a garden room OR $159.00++ per night in the Royal Palm Towers. The resort does have a $10 service fee and a $10 overnight parking fee per vehicle. All pricing is based on availability. Please call the Town and Country Hotel directly to make your reservations at 800-772-8527 or 619-291-8527. You may have to mention I-Day San Diego 2018 or IIAB San Diego as the group names.
Parking: Complementary this year
Booth Schedule:
7:00 – 9:30 am Exhibitor Booth set up
9:30 – 12:00 Exhibit Hall is open
12:00-1:30 Exhibit Hall closed during luncheon
1:30-4:30 Exhibit Hall reopens
2:00 – 4:30 Exhibit Hall / Cocktails / Exhibitor Drawings
4:30-6:30 Exhibitor Booth tear down
Lunch Tickets: Your booth comes with (1) complimentary lunch ticket to our luncheon. Any additional lunch tickets needed are currently $60.00 per ticket but pricing will go up an additional $10 per ticket after April 25th.
Badges: Please use the attached Badge Order Form (excel) to order name badges for all of your attendees and guests. Email form back to me once completed. Please list anyone attending as well as exhibiting! Security has said that EVERYONE must wear a name badge during the event. When filling out your badge form, please remember to include any guests or other employees from your company that may be coming but not necessarily working in the booth or attending the luncheon. Any names received after May 2nd are not guaranteed to have printed badges for the event. Handwritten badges will be available at the check in counter on the day of the show.
Raffle Prizes: The last hour in the exhibit hall is the time that exhibitors give out their prizes. If your company brings any prizes, we will be collecting them at the stage around 3:00. We make all of the announcement on your behalf. In you booth packets, we will provide an information slip to attach to your items for better clarity. *Please note, this is not a requirement and not all booths participate.
President’s Reception: Please mark your calendars now for the evening of Tuesday May 15, 2018! IIAB San Diego’s President, German Gonzalez, will be holding an evening reception from 5:00-7:00 in the Tiki Pavilion at the Town & Country Resort. Send me your RSVP (# of guests) via email for the presidents reception if you plan to attend.