Exhibit Hall Schedule
Morning Session in Exhibit Hall 9:30am-12:00pm
Luncheon 12:00 pm -1:30 pm *Closed during luncheon.
Afternoon Session in Exhibit Hall 1:30pm-4:00pm
Morning CE Classes
Both Sessions are free to attend.
Just email lori@iiabsandiego.com by 5/10 to get added to the pre-registration for
either or both classes listed. Walk-in registrations will be available.
Session 1
8:00 am to 9:00am
CA Experience Rating Plan
(Simplifying the Ex-Mod Factor)
1 CE Credit* Course #367031
· California rate and profitability marketplace cycles
· Qualifying for experience rating
· How payroll and losses determine the experience modification
· The impact of claim severity versus frequency
· NCCI mods - intrastate and interstate

Steve's Bio *Please bring CA License number to receive course credit.
Session 2
9:30 am to 10:30am
Glimmers of Hope for Reforming Insurance Regulation Amid Ever-Expanding FAIR Plan Exposures. 1 CE Credit Course # 390551 OVERVIEW
The purpose of this class is to review of the elements of California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy, the status of his efforts to reform regulation of the property & casualty business of insurance, and a detailed update on the operations of, and changes in, the California FAIR Plan and how it is managing continued substantial growth in policies being issued and exposures being assumed.

$0 - Exhibit Hall only
$85 - Lunch & Exhibit Hall
$850 - Lunch Table for 10 (Reserved) & Exhibit Hall
Prices increased after 4/30.
Look which companies are sending attendees?
Each Company listed is sending 1 or more attendees.
2024 Attending Companies as of 4/30

*Member Booth $750.00
Non-Member Booth $1,200.00
*Membership is required with IIAB San Diego
Prices increased after 4/30.
Look which companies are already registered to exhibit?
2024 Exhibitors as of 4/30
Exhibitor Information 2024d.pdf
Badge Form
*All badge names due 4/26/24 to guarantee a pre-printed badge
If you missed the deadline, please send over your names anyways to lori@iiabsandiego.com. We will do our best to print any badges we receive by 5/10.
There will be a printer at registration too.
Exhibitors Needs
Tricord/Carden KIT - for Shipping and Booth Amenities
Edlen Order Form - for Electrical outlet in booth
Pinnacle - for AV needs.
By Check - Payable to IIAB San Diego
Mail to PO Box 712155 Santee, CA 92072
By ACH or Credit Card -